Tenants Bill of Rights

         Casa de Comienzo Fresco = House of Fresh Beginnings

§  Your right to have hot water in the kitchen and bathroom 24 hours a day.

§  Your right between October 1st to May 31st of each year to have heat at 68•F from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day and the right to have heat at 55•F when external temperature drops to 40•F from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next day.

§  Your right to have repairs done quickly and with little intrusion.

§  Your right to extermination in your apartment.

§  Your right to live in an apartment that is free of mildew, mold or odors.

§  Your right to have windows that properly open and close and lock.

§  Your right to a paint job at least every three years.

§  Your right to know that your security deposit is safe, and not co-mingled with the landlord’s money and to know the bank where the security is deposited.

§  Your right to sue your landlord for breach of warranty of habitability.

§  Your right that all common areas of the building are kept in proper repair and presentable

§  Your right to be treated with respect.

§  Your apartment is your home, privacy is important to everyone and yours should be respected.